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Blender Guru
The complete beginner blender donut tutorial course in one video for those who prefer it over the multipart series. Watch it in parts: ===Links🔗=== Blender Guru Discord: Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet: Industry Compatible Cheat Sheet (not mine, used with permission): Donate to Blender: Poliigon Blender Addon: Marble Texture on Poliigon: Plate model: Utensils model: Upcoming Blender Course: ===Follow me🫰=== Twitter: Instagram: ArtStation: LinkedIn: === Chapter Marks (separated by paragraph spaces for each part)✂️=== 00:00 Intro 01:10 Download and Install 02:15 Interface & Navigation 05:09 Render Mode & Panning 06:33 Moving objects and camera & making a render 12:42 Change the material 15:16 Scale & Rotation 17:52 Add the Torus 22:26 Subdivision modifier 29:38 Proportional editing 31:29 Deforming the donut 32:56 Shrinking the circumference 36:30 Duplicate an object 38:25 Name objects 41:36 The solidify modifier & Snap to Face 45:16 Apply the subsurf modifier 49:35 Make the edge wavy and round 53:51 Extrusion 57:08 Technical check 58:18 Shrinkwrap modifier 1:01:14 Applying thickness 1:05:49 Inflate, Grab, & Mask brushes 1:12:46 Filter & Smooth brushes 1:18:51 Creating the countertop 1:19:24 Parenting objects 1:21:02 Countertop texture 1:24:34 Material nodes, Roughness map, & normal map 1:31:49 Texture Painting 1:37:36 Geometry Nodes 1:40:56 Scattering points 1:42:31 Make a round sprinkle & Poisson Disk 1:46:56 Weight painting 1:54:55 Accurate real-world size 1:58:10 Fix the sprinkle density 2:02:53 The cylinder 2:04:11 Model the sprinkle 2:07:37 Sprinkle variants 2:11:04 Organize with Collections 2:15:26 Scattering an entire collection & changing the sprinkle rotation 2:18:21 Rotation Euler & random rotation 2:23:04 Distance and sizing 2:26:26 Apply materials to multiple objects 2:27:38 Generate random values per materials 2:31:14 Metallic sprinkles 2:35:35 Fly navigation 2:37:36 Render engines 2:43:43 Computer too slow? 2:45:53 Reset the lamp location 2:47:12 Subsurface Scattering (SSS) 2:54:18 Image reference & modelling the plate 3:04:49 Stack the donuts 3:10:28 Assign sprinkles 3:11:22 Trackball rotation 3:12:10 Scale the countertop and making the backsplash 3:13:31 Icing colors 3:16:34 Creating a ceramic plate material 3:18:43 Sky Texture 3:21:03 Kitchen enclosure 3:23:24 Snapping feature and removing unneeded faces 3:26:39 The window 3:27:31 Shaping the light and tweaking the sun intensity 3:31:48 Import a model 3:33:45 Install an addon 3:36:05 Lighting fixes 3:39:26 Intro to compositor 3:43:11 Color management "Looks" & AgX 3:45:18 Creating glare 3:51:08 Realtime compositing 3:54:51 Lens Distortion & Chromatic Aberration 3:58:00 Keyframe basics 4:00:18 Adding a pivot object 4:01:23 Parenting to the empty 4:02:11 Create rotation keyframes 4:04:39 The Dope Sheet & The Graph Editor 4:06:35 Changing the keyframe ease 4:08:09 Keyframing the scale 4:09:47 Normalizing the Graph Editor 4:11:51 Frames per second 4:14:20 Choosing the sample count 4:17:12 Noise threshold 4:18:00 Time limit & Rendering to a still image sequence 4:21:34 Pre-Rendering Checklist Time! 4:22:00 Face orientation check 4:23:28 Unwanted object & intersection check 4:24:34 Improving the composition & lighting 4:29:06 Exposure & color check 4:31:29 Add SSS to the donut 4:34:37 Add Big Medium Small details 4:37:02 Improving the Sky lighting & Adding Depth of Field 4:39:02 Add Motion Blur 4:45:39 Editing in Premiere 4:46:17 Video Editing & Loading an image sequence 4:48:11 Holding the last frame and Fading to black 4:50:17 Export the final video 4:53:45 Donut variation challenge!
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